Thursday, December 30, 2010
The most expensive Christmas dog!
Christmas 2010!
Peacock Road Tree Farm - complete with a train ride to a log cabin to see Santa and roast marshmellows!
Baking Cookies for Santa! A little bit of foot dirt won't hurt the man who comes down a chimney full of ash!
Friday, December 17, 2010
School work
Monday, December 13, 2010
3D Chalk
Friday, December 10, 2010
The new truck or the box it came in? Everyone was encouraging Ethan to hold up his fingers to show "4". Noticed everyone else holding their age up. We will give the almost "94" Great Grandma Rita (in purple) a break on this one!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Ethan brings back my childhood memories!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Merry Christmas from the Melvilles!
This card pretty much sums up our year...due March 9, 2011! OK, so we've had other exciting things happen too...
If you have been following the blog, you have had the opportunity to grow with us in parenting Ethan! He is such a joy and makes us laugh daily (to the point of tears sometimes!)
Grant continues to be very happy at Holt High School. In the true Grant Melville style, he continues to be involved in the students lives outside of the classroom. He coached both men and women pole vaulters this past Spring and was promoted to coaching the running-backs on the variety football position this year. Grant was also recognized along with his co-teacher as "a model" for co-teachers and was sent to some special workshops to bring the techniques back to the school. Grant had some success in the northern woods this past Thanksgiving! It has only been 4.5 years since venison has been in our freezer!
AmySue continues to balance work and motherhood. She truly loves both and finds them both to be very rewarding! She continues to be active in Junior League (a women's organization serving women and children in need) with a leadership role. AmySue was honored to be elected into the Junior League Board for the 2011-2012 year.
We continue to enjoy our camping experiences and involvement in our church!
We wish you a very beautiful Holiday Season!
Grant, AmySue, Ethan and Baby Melville #2.
The elf on the shelf
Christmas decorating turns x-rated in the eyes of Ethan's parents!
The 4 1/2 year drought is over! Congrats Grant!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Ethan's 4th "Train" Birthday!
History has shown that we do not take nice family pictures on Ethan's Birthday!
Tell the boys to play down stairs and this is what happens! Skin wrestling! So happy they love each other!