These posted pictures are in chronological order from the beginning of the month to Garrett's 9 month Birthday!
Compare the from this month...the other from the summer...oh no, both the boys got there Dad's fashion genetics!
Whatever makes you happy! Who needs manners?
Just let me see outside!
Out our back sliding door! Beautiful yet...lets fill our freezer!
Baby Yoda!
Garrett loves to get into the Christmas tree and knows that it is wrong. Although this picture is fuzy, it shows how he thinks that he is getting away with something. Crawl fast and don't look at Momma!
The start of Ethan's 5th Birthday - His wish was a Rainbow theme! Grant baked all layers to the cake and I....
get new parts to my blender as he put two different things in the blender at the same time.
Start your Birthday out the Rainbow way with "Rainbow Cereal"
Trying to stay up for birthday festivities with drool on the face!
Garrett unable to hold out for the mid-afternoon birthday festivities!

Grant eating his words as whenever they were in Gander Mountain, Ethan would bug to play this game and Grant would say "When you are five" just to avoid it. Well guess what, memory sucks sometimes as Ethan states "I'm five today, lets go play that game!"
A Birthday is not complete until you can party with your good friend Justen!
Lunch time fun at Johnny Rockets!
Designer ketchup plates!
And they let you dance in the booths!
A stop to Maggie Moos icecream! Notice Ethan has funny faces in all the pictures. You can tell that he's 5!
To complete the Birthday adventure there was a stop to get 2 goldfish!
Setting the table = taking time to build a tower with the glasses.
Rainbow birthday cake and gold at the end of the rainbow!
Can I please just get a nice picture?
Think about it!! Think about it!! Papa is easy to sucker into building legos with him.
Rainbow buffet!
The best Birthday gift ever...a brother to share fun times with. I think I am goingt to print a big black and white picture of this one! It truly makes me smile!
At least I got one serious picture!
Ethan enjoyed being able to hand out "5's" to everyone he saw saying, "Here's 5, because I am 5!"
The three G's...Grandma, Garrett, Grandma!
Our nice family picture!! Ethan is holding a picture of a rainbow and that kid doesn't miss a trick. Very detailed orientated (don't know who he gets that from) as he looked at the picture for me to use as a decoration and stated "Ummm, this isn't going to work the colors are backwards." Ethan truly knows ROYGBIV!
Complete with Rainbow icecream!
Somewhere over the rainbow!
Fill that freezer!
Notice... Garrett has camos too!
Grant took my Dad has been since 1990. This is Papa "Dee/a/r!"
Ethan and Matthew. Dumb and Dumber. No shirt one and no shirt two. These two crazy kids celebrate their Birthday together.
Garrett loves climbing in our stools!
And the stools get moved all around the 1st floor for some "fort fun!" Notice the bikes, they are each parked in their side of the fort (Ethan's idea).
Going out shopping the day before Thanksgiving with Momma!
Garrett didn't last to long with his turkey hat! I love that he is a thumb sucker, too cute (for now)!
Thanksgiving Day! Papa watches football, boys sleep. Please make sure Ethan is still breathing!
The Little Turkey that is always smiling!
Did I say, always smiling!!!
Who me? I see nothing wrong momma. The dog dish is suppose to be here!
Water table fun in our kitchen! Garrett loves to stand and play and to add water to it, made it all the more better as he played...
and played...
and played....
and played...
and played...
and played some more!
Melville Men line up...please pray for me!
Darn it, she caught me. Maybe if I smile, she won't mind! can I get that ribbon up there?
I will just sneak away like nothing ever happened.
Grant stated "Hey, that's how my students look!"
Baby Garrett is already 9 months old and full of life, love and pure happiness! And not a care in the world that his diaper is about to burst from the seems with urine!
Almost got the picture...and I have a fast snapshot camera!
Hmmm...I'll come back to investigate!
"Ok Mother, I will just pose like this to make you happy!"
Garrett is such a little peanut, but moves around like lightening!
Loving to watch the trees outside his bedroom window. Another nature boy!