Catherine (age 10) spent 5 days with us and as you can see it was a blast! We were rarely home! We went to MSU marching band practice! The sounds of fall are in the air! For those of you that are local, Ethan and I love to go on either Thursday or Fridays to see their performance for the week! We would love to have you join us sometime! Ethan loves it and has been known to make friends with the band members and I, as most of you know, will always have the love for marching bands in my heart! Fire Up Chips! I now often wonder how I use to march (high knees at times) and have enough breath to get though my horn to make music. I now breathe heavy just running up the stairs with a laundry basket! Wow, how life changes!
Dancin' to the music!
Waterpark Fun! Ethan has no fear of the water. In one way I am happy, in another way it makes me nervous. Ethan's newest thing is to jump in from the side of the pool. He observed from somebody, somewhere that you bring your fingers to your face. It was likely that they were plugging their nose, however he apparently observed that you put your pointer finger in your mouth to plug it! Strange and humorous child!
Uncle Grant took one for the team as it's probably not a smart idea for a pregnant lady to go on the slides. Uncle Grant was too afraid to go on this one! Way to go Catherine!
What a great visit with Catherine! I can't believe she is 10!